sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

Oceanhorn 2 Demo In Nordic Game 2017!

It is news time! Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm will make a gameplay debut with a playable demo in Nordic Game 2017!

If you are coming to Malmö, head to Epic Games' booth and come and see what we have in store for the new Oceanhorn game! So whether you're a fan, a journalist, a publisher or a fellow game developer – we would be delighted to give you a tour on our game and talk more about Oceanhorn 2.

Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm is a continuation to Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas, a million selling action RPG title released for iOS, Mac, Steam, PS4, Xbox One, Android and later this year for Nintendo Switch. Oceanhorn 2 is powered by the unrivaled Unreal Engine 4.

Nordic Game 2017 17-.19.5. in Malmö, Sweden.

We could not be more excited about Nordic Game ourselves. In addition to Oceanhorn 2's big moment, Fumito Ueda is also going to be in Malmö! He is the mastermind behind Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian and we are big fans of his work. It seems like Action RPG's are only now starting to catch up what Shadow of the Colossus did 12 years ago. The carefully crafted spirit of his games and the brilliance of his game designs are a driving force for game developers like us.

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Warlord Germans...I Had No Idea....

Warlord infantry section

After years of slagging off 28mm WWII figures a combination of circumstances have led me to dip my toe in the water. To put it simply, I was pleasantly surprised, a lot of the figures I'd seen have been the late war, overly "heroic" (read: Fugly) style, which remain pretty horrible. Then I discovered these early war Warlord plastics, much different, presumably a different designer, nicely proportioned, and as with so many plastics these days, really cleverly designed in terms of pose compatibility within the sprues. I enjoyed putting together the plastics, took me back to the old Airfix multi-pose kits (remember them?)  they fit together well, and have some cracking pose combinations.
Then the painting, great fun...a lot more to work with obviously than 20mm, and the overall design lends it to gaining a decent result with only moderate skill with modern paints and techniques.
These I did with Vallejo block painting, then slopping GW Nuln oil all over, then a 2 layer highlight, before doing the flesh last (Vallejo sunny skin with a Lavado skin wash), my usual old lazy basing of PVA and sand +Army Painter Autumn tufts.
I'll talk about the Stugs a bit later.
All this is for Chain of Command, I've found a group in London who play these terrific rules, so this lot will get their first outing next week. However, I have far grander plans for this lot in the future. 
More to come! 

Comparing All Four Versions Of A Star Is Born

There are four movies called A Star is Born, all roughly following the same plot (here be spoilers):

An aging, alcoholic, male entertainer is just beginning to exceed the tolerance people allow him for his talent with the ridicule and distress he engenders with his destructive, obnoxious antics. Just at this time, he hears or sees a young woman with talent languishing in a small-time position and takes it upon himself to short-list her into fame and fortune. She initially resists, but falls for him and takes the opportunity. She becomes absorbed into the soulless hit-making factory of Hollywood and becomes wildly successful,, while the world turns away from him. They marry and move in together. He runs out of opportunities and people call him a has-been, in so many words; he even ends up taking phone calls or interview requests for her from people who don't even know him. She wins an award (Oscar or Grammy) and he shows up late to the ceremony and interrupts her speech with some kind of drunken scandalous antic. She asks her manager to give him some pity opportunities; he turns them down. She resolves (more or less) to quit the business in order to live a smaller life with him, since she realizes that he can't handle the situation as is (with her being successful and him not), but he discovers this and decides to kill himself in order to prevent this. She spends some time in self-pity. In the end, she publicly performs or says something to acknowledge his importance to her.

1937: Leads are Esther Victoria Blodgett aka Vivki Lester (Janet Gaynor) and Norman Maine (Fredric March). This is a fine film, although very much a period piece of the time it was made, so there are some rushed dialog, odd pauses, harsh sound, and bad lighting. The plot is well-paced and scripted. The actors are both likeable. The main actors recite some of their speeches woodenly but passionately at the camera (or just off to the left) and there are some hysterics. Everyone else talks like a 1930s gangster.

In this version, the main characters are actors. Esther starts on a farm and travels to Hollywood but meets rejection. Norman gets her into his pictures when he sees her waitressing. Someone directly and quite rudely tells Norman that he is washed up. Norman punches him, so Vicki has to bail Norman out of the police station. Norman overhears Vicki planning to give up her career, so Norman walks into the ocean  Vicki ends the movie by looking at the camera and calling herself Mrs. Norman Maine.

This is a fine and memorable movie, worthy of being redone.

1954: 17 years later. Esther Blodgett aka Vicki Lester (Judy Garland) and Norman Maine (James Mason). In this version, the main characters are actors / vaudeville performers singes and dancers. Norman finds Esther singing in a nightclub. The movie is punctuated with several musical performances that, I suppose, were entertaining to audiences of the 1950s. Anyway, they look a lot like bad musicals from that era, like the Road movies and so forth.

I have a hard time conveying the contempt I have for this film. It's mostly in two parts.

Firstly, the acting is always fairly terrible, but sometimes it rises to the level of horrifically terrible. The actors stare at the screen in horror with long pauses, bite their knuckles, fling themselves onto furniture, and weep or shout like idiots.

But mostly, James Mason's Norman grabs, yanks, hurls, pushes, interrupts, orders, and otherwise abuses Judy Garland's Esther throughout the whole movie, yet the movie conveys this as rough but charming. It's sickening. By the time she falls in love with Norman, he has done nothing but pull her through doors, push her into cars and rooms, and otherwise abuse her, but all she can think of is how he takes her breath away (duh, by never letting her think or talk). Most of the abuse comes from Norman, but some of it comes from other people, too. She is a rag doll. It's jaw-droppingly painful to watch. The very little agency she has in the film is to sing and dance, or to wail and cry over how sad it is that she can't do anything for Norman ("She can't! She can't! She can't! Ohhhhh aaahhhh aaahhhh!")

Norman overhears the fateful conversation and is (overacting) horrified and drowns himself. After getting yelled out and yanked by a few more people, Vicki ends the movie by looking at the camera and calling herself Mrs. Norman Maine. And then ...

1976: 22 years later. Esther Hoffman (Barbra Streisand) and John Norman Howard (Kris Kristofferson). This movie is thankfully a step up from the previous one. It's diverges a bit from the others as to how it fills in the plot scenes. The main characters are now singers. The movie starts with a big crowd and drunken stage performance.

They took the main outline of the plot and decided that everyone already knows it, so the movie is about 50% plot and 50% Barbra and Kris being playful and making love. It's very 1970s, not only the hair styles and crowd scenes, motorcycle and car driving, but with the casual flashes of nudity and almost relaxed attitude toward infidelity (it's an insult, but apparently an easily forgivable one). And now we have cocaine, not just alcohol.

The result is somewhat loosely plotted and kind of boring. We skip all the scenes of how she turns into a star (she just does, in a 2 minute montage), we skip her changing her name (she pooh-poohs that idea after being asked by a reporter), we skip the courtroom bailout scene, and we skip most of the conversation that is supposed to lead to his death. She yells at him once for sleeping around, saying that she doesn't want him to drag her down, and he races off into the desert and dies (whether by accident or deliberately is left a bit vague). She ends the movie by singling another song, no name assertion.

It's not only that neither of the main characters are likeable. It's that they don't have much in the way of character to like or to not like. John is kind of sympathetic. Esther is kind of ... well, she's just Barbra Streisand.

But Barbra can sing, and she sings fine. So fine that you kind of wonder how it is that she was languishing in obscurity to begin with.

This is not worth watching, but the soundtrack is lovely. And then ...

2018: 38 years later. Ally (Lady Gaga) and Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper). The main characters are singers. The movie starts pretty similarly to the 1973 one (with better camera-work and sound), but the alcoholism is more subtle.

This one is, by far, the best one, with incredible performances, scripting, directing, and shooting. The music is amazing, and Lady Gaga is a great singer (okay, Barbra was better, but that's a given for just about anyone). Possibly the only issue I have is the rushed scenes leading up to his decision to kill himself. Ally only half-heartedly tries to throw Jackson some pity-bones (she says one quick sentence about not go on tour without him). The scene that struck me as most wrong was that someone flat out says to Jackson that he is a drag on her career and should disappear, rather than him overhearing it (like he does in the first two movies). It's not that this couldn't or wouldn't happen, it's just a less sympathetic way to depict it happening.

Jackson hangs himself instead of drowning. And Ally ends by introducing herself as Ally Maine, and then she sings a final song while she looks directly into the camera.

Bradley and Lady, as well as everyone else, do a great job of pacing and acting. They are likeable and tragic. The songs are pretty great, too. And the story is, apparently, timeless.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Review, Gameplay, News & More...

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Release date, review, gameplay, News, Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Spyro Reignited Trilogy | Review, Gameplay, News & More...

Activision is plunging into its library to restore amazingly, one more platforming great as Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. Cherished by gamers in the 1990s, the first Spyro encounters are set to get an entire makeover with new visuals, mechanics and that's just the beginning. Playing this game just dives you into the 90's when games were crazy for such games where they did not just want graphics, story, blah blah blah to play the game, what they really wanted is just a fun time with their buddies. 

Quick Facts:

  • Initial release date: 13 November 2018
  • Developer: Toys for Bob
  • Engine: Unreal Engine
  • Series: Spyro
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Release Date

it's a bummer to need to hold up somewhat longer to play the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on November 13. Initially planned for a September discharge, the deferral is so the advancement group can put an extra 'love and care' into the experience so that you can relive the beautiful early 90's.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Gameplay Preview

Development duties on the remaster have been given to in-house studio Toys For Bob, the studio that shepherded Spyro through the Skylanders establishment from 2011 onwards.

Undoubtedly, the way that Spyro never had the broadened nonappearance that Crash did may mean the wistfulness factor won't be as solid here, basically because we've seen the character all the more as of late. Be that as it may, the opportunity to return to things without purchasing a physical toy will be a charming change from late years, it's probably going to please fans old and new.

The remastering itself is magnificently done – universes hold basically indistinguishable geometry from they did on PS1, however, are more point by point and bright. Voice performer Tom Kenny repeats his job as Spyro all through, including recording new lines for the first game, Players will have the choice of which soundtracks to tune in to, also.

Here's a brief gameplay by PlayStation.

As I have earlier said, This game basically makes you relive the amazing gaming era,  'Stone Hill', from the first Spyro, demonstrates its age the most, with a basic design and scarcely any test, notwithstanding for a child's game. Spyro searches for his dragon elders, head-rams or inhales fire on some uninteresting enemies, and ways out the level. It's charming and windy, however fantastically essential, even with the remaster.

The genuine enjoyment, however, was encountering the Spyro: Year of the Dragon level 'Sunny Villa' out of the blue. Having matured out of being especially keen on the Spyro games when the third installment came around, the remastered rendition was a completely new ordeal.

What's more, there are now save points in the game, with pixies guaranteeing checkpoints are logged consequently as opposed to you saving manually and seek after the best, as previously.

First Impression:

Besides a couple of drawbacks, like Spyro frequently feels dubious to point while completing a head-smash charge, and the tended camera which goes wild whenever you submerged into the water, Spyro Reignited Trilogy is just simply looking magnificent, but still the trio without a doubt require an excess of a lick of paint to cut it in the present market, yet Toys For Bob has beaten itself with the makeover. 

Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Trailers

All the trailers which are currently available look really amazing, and I am sure, many Spyro lovers can't wait to put their hands on this beautiful game. 

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

A Eulogy For Saturday Morning TV

Image by the autowitch. Some rights reserved. Source: Flickr

So, Saturday morning cartoons are dead.

Last year, The Washington Post reported,

"This past Saturday, the CW became the last broadcast television network to cut Saturday morning cartoons. The CW is replacing its Saturday cartoon programming, called "The Vortexx," with "One Magnificent Morning," a five-hour bloc of non-animated TV geared towards teens and their families.

From the 1960s through the 1980s, Saturday morning time slots were synonymous with cartoons. Broadcast networks and advertisers battled for underage viewers. But that started to change in the 1990s.

In 1992, NBC was the first broadcast network to swap Saturday morning cartoons for teen comedies such as "Saved by the Bell" and a weekend edition of the "Today" show. Soon, CBS and ABC followed suit. In 2008, Fox finally replaced Saturday morning cartoons with infomercials.

In the 1970s and 1980s, a Saturday morning cartoon viewership could grab more than 20 million viewers. In 2003, some top performers got a mere 2 million, according to Animation World Network," (Sullivan).

Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before this occurred. Saturday morning cartoons have left the public television stations for good. Of course, this isn't a bad thing. Kids can get their shows on demand from a variety of venues, be it Hulu, Netflix, and the wonders of cable. No need to wake up early in the morning with a bowl of sugary cereal, while your eyes sink in the flashing screens. I think this change is for the best, children should be doing more productive things with their weekends, but nevertheless, a eulogy is necessary.

I can't remember when I first started watching Saturday morning TV, but I do know that the earliest I'd get up at would be 7:00. A feat that'd be unthinkable for my more jaded self to do on a day off. 7:00, I'm sure, was when they'd play the classic cartoons, like Popeye. Then there were the principal shows that I followed every week, Pokemon, Digimon, Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, and Transformers: The Beast Wars. I may have watched more, but I don't remember them. Of course, many of these shows, along with others like X-Men, Beetleborgs, and Spiderman, often played on weekday afternoons. Yet those were reruns. On Saturday morning, you saw things fresh.

Of course, none of these shows was anything particularly intelligent or profound, this was children's entertainment, after all. They just hit on all the right points, reaching those base, animal desires that most children wish to see. Namely, colorful, lively worlds with fantastical characters, be they transforming monsters, super-powered teenagers, or shape-shifting robots. Many of these shows, I imagine, probably introduced a generation of children to science-fiction, fantasy, martial arts, and most importantly for me, anime. That said, reading Calvin and Hobbes has made me reflect and question the wisdom of consuming so much silly television at a young age. While I don't believe television to be quite the scourge of civilization that some Luddites may make it out to be, to say it has no effect on us at all (if even a fleeting one), after habitual viewings, just sounds dishonest.

It's a bit regrettable that Digimon and Pokemon were released around the same time. No doubt, Digimon banked somewhat on the popularity of Pokemon, but it would always be under Pokemon's shadow. The reason I say this, is because Digimon was a smarter show, well, "smarter" by the standards of children's entertainment, but you get the idea.

Pokemon came out in 1998 and Digimon came out in 1999. While I can't speak for the developments of these shows in Japan, I suspect that Fox Kids licensed Digimon to capitalize on Pokemon's success and have an easy cash cow to compete with WB. I mean, as far as they saw it, Pokemon had monsters and that made money. Digimon also had monsters, therefore, it too will make money. While Digimon certainly had its peak, it never became quite the phenomenon that Pokemon was. Not where I lived, anyhow.

If you're too young to remember the Pokemon craze, then you'd best watch the "Chinpokomon" episode of South Park. While being in its own right an entertaining episode, it's a fairly accurate satire of how most children and adults reacted to the fad. So much so, that I'm a little embarrassed of my behavior then. In a nutshell, children became consumerist zombies, begging their parents to buy as much Pokemon-related merchandise as possible. While the adults were gravely confused as to why children found this cartoon so attractive. I recall one adult asking me why the Pokemon only say their own names and nothing else. Although unlike South Park, the Japanese weren't interested in using this franchise to cause another Pearl Harbor (or complement our comparative penis sizes).

Pokemon was based on a series of Nintendo video games, which are far more enjoyable than the television show. The point of the game was the capture 'pocket monsters' or 'Pokemon', and use them to fight other Pokemon. So yes, the premise of the franchise is essentially glorified cock-fighting (another South Park episode comes to mind), but electric Pikachu and fire-breathing Charizard are a far-cry from actual animals. I'm not aware of anyone who has said that they were drawn to cock-fighting, or even animal cruelty in general, because of Pokemon. So PETA's grotesque claims that Pokemon encourages such behavior, and the degrees of absurdity with which they attack the series, diminishes, if not destroys any credibility they have as an honest animal rights organization. Try the Humane Society instead.

Digimon, on the other hand, is set in real-life Japan, with Japanese children who fall into the digital world. The digital world is inhabited by digital monsters, or "Digimon". These children, dubbed the "Digi-destined" (because it has been prophesied) partner up with Digimon to fight off the threats to both of their realities. Much like the Pokemon, the Digimon can also evolve. Agumon can turn into WarGreymon and Patamon can turn into Angemon, the difference being that Digimon evolutions aren't permanent and didn't always work in a pinch. Digimon also dealt with more mature themes than Pokemon, like divorce, romance, and death. Yes, much of Digimon devolved to monster-of-the-week plots and very cliched characters, but some clever people were able to put their mark on it. One was Mamoru Hosoda, who would later gain fame for the films Summer Wars and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. He got his debut directing the "Four Years Later" or "Our War Game" section of Digimon: The Movie. Even if you don't like Digimon, you have to appreciate the physical realism that Hosoda brought to the series, and surreal, hypnotic design of the World Wide Web that were a clear influence on Summer Wars. In the English dub, this is all dubbed over with a pop soundtrack that includes The Barenaked Ladies and The Mighty Mighty BossTones. It actually kind of fit, somehow. The other talent to touch Digimon was writer Chiaki J. Konaka, who wrote mind-bending screenplays for Texhnolyze, Rahxephon, and Serial Experiments Lain. His pen went behind the third season, Digimon Tamers, which was also the darkest. The season is rather meta, with the past two seasons being a television show in this universe. The main character creates his own Digimon and has to own up to the responsibilities of that. I can't say I remember much from this season, except that it was pretty gloomy in comparison to the other two. So, to summarize, Pokemon was about fighting for fun, Digimon was about fighting for glory.

As dumb as Pokemon and Digimon were, they're probably the best examples in recent memory of anime becoming mainstream entertainment in the United States. I mean hell, I sang the Pokemon theme song in music class, and not the TV-edited version, either. Yes, Dragonball and Sailor Moon ran close behind, but they were aimed at a slightly older demographic, so they didn't get quite as much accessibility as those whose cerebrums were still wet. That isn't to say that Dragonball and Sailor Moon weren't accessible, or even all that unpopular, but again, I didn't sing the Sailor Moon theme song in music class.

Probably the most significant anime I saw on Saturday morning was The Vision of Escaflowne. It didn't get a long run, I only recall seeing two episodes. Anyone who's seen Escaflowne knows that it's not for kids, so the editors went to work on Disneyfying it. Yet as defanged and bastardized as this version was, those two episodes still left an impact on me. One so strong, in fact, that long after I had forgotten the title of the show, the image of Prince Vaughn sprouting his glowing, white wings haunted the dark corners of my brain. Escaflowne was really weird in comparison to all the Pokemons running around. The characters had detailed and mature designs, while the atmosphere was enigmatic and quiet. Even though I didn't rediscover Escaflowne until over a decade later, it was my first glimpse into the world of adult anime.

There's not much I can say about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation because I can barely, and I mean barely recall it. I can't even reproduce a full episode in my mind. All I know is that they had a female turtle, Venus de Milo, and that's about it. The show has aged terribly, and I doubt if I could stomach a full half hour of the stuff nowadays. Yet, nevertheless, this was the series that introduced my generation to the Turtles. (I think that's a good thing.) I know that the only episode of Ninja Turtles that left something of an impression on me, was their crossover episode with the Power Rangers, who were then, "lost in space." Again, details are fuzzy, but at the time, it was a pretty cool event.

Now Power Rangers was a show. To see young people like myself fight monsters in colored spandex and ride in giant robots inspired by prehistorical creatures, was all my hyper-active brain needed. Much like Pokemon, Power Rangers was also very repetitive in form, but unlike Pokemon, Power Rangers is still plenty of fun to watch. The campy aesthetic coupled with MTV style editing, a slapstick Saved By The Bell background, and hard rock soundtrack are all too much to resist. If you don't take it too seriously, which you shouldn't, the Power Rangers is entertainment for entertainment's sake. Kitsch, yes, but if you know what you're going in for, then you might as well have fun with it.

I was introduced to the Transformers through the Beast Wars series. So my understanding of Optimus Prime was not of a semi-truck that could transform into a robot, but of a gorilla that could transform into a robot. Beast Wars tried to do something different with the premise of alien robots who disguise themselves as vehicles, being alien robots who could disguise themselves as giant animals. There were also no annoying humans on the planet, just aliens on an alien planet, so the plot was not restricted by the red tape that previous and later Transformers installments dealt with. Not only was Optimus Prime a gorilla and Megatron a T-Rex, but new characters were also thrown into the mix. My favorite being Cheetor, who, if you couldn't already guess is a cheetah. His personality was very much like Johnny Storm from the Fantastic Four, arrogant, quick-tempered, and fun-loving. Beast Wars was so popular that it got a sequel series, Beast Machines. Things turned darker, with the Autobots on the lam in a futuristic city, and their designs changed to reflect their more robotic predecessors. It was awesome. At my babysitter's house, where I watched much of these shows, we played with Beast Wars toys, and let me tell you, they were as frustrating to transform as all hell. In the commercials, they made it look so easy. I mean, does Hasbro really expect children to be able to successfully transform the Cheetor into assault mode in between commercial breaks?

For what it's worth, I did try watching the original 80's cartoon, but I was older, and so, didn't care for it. I liked the theme song, though. Then there was that movie which had talents like Leonard Nimoy and Orson Welles. An irony that Welles's debut was Charles Foster Kane, and his final performance was Omnicron. The movie is very much a zeitgeist of what was being marketed to boys of the 80's, over-the-top action and loud rock music. How much has changed? While I'm at it, I may as well address the elephant in room, Michael Bay. Yes, his Transformers films are all very bad, but the first one, at least, was watchable. It was a decent action film with neat effects, but held many of the problems that were multiplied over the next couple of movies. What I find more offensive than the bad scripts, however, is the fact that Bay thinks it's appropriate to market towards kids, or any human being, a franchise littered with excessive violence, racial insensitivity, and crude, blatant misogyny. In fact, I'd argue that these terribly unpleasant and immoral films do far more harm to the minds of children than the cheap shows I'm discussing here.

Here's a sidewinder, Spongebob Squarepants. Yes, I distinctly remember watching the series premiere of "Bubblestand", in my mother's bedroom, on a Saturday morning. Now, Spongebob didn't always play new episodes on Saturday mornings, but I watched the series religiously since that first viewing, so I felt the need to reference it. It's hard to defend the ungodly receptacle of garbage that holds the banner of Spongebob today. Ever since Stephen Hillenberg left, the show produced some of the worst writing to ever grace the televised screen, it's real nauseating stuff. I blame Nickelodeon's producers more than I do Spongebob's writers, because a premise can only work for so long before it grows stale. Point of reference, The Simpsons. Though at least Homer still has some dignity left on him and after two decades, no less. Spongebob, on the other hand, is no longer the quirky, nervous, and hopelessly naive character that endeared him to audiences on his first appearance. Now, he's a blubbering twit, a moronic and deranged man-child, whose every action is designed to irritate the living hell of you. The masturbatory excess of Mr. Squarepants, along with his now depraved and unsightly "friends" will not recover from this milking from a long deceased cow.

Believe it or not, my interest in Saturday morning cartoons extended into middle school. Why? Perhaps it was out of a desire to relive the nostalgia of my former years, even though I knew what I watched was garbage. At the time, I was very much addicted to television. I watched it because I was bored, and terribly lazy. I not only lament the fact that I wasted much of my youth consuming television, but that it was bad television. Surely, I could've benefited from some Star Trek or The Twilight Zone episodes. That said, there was one show I watched religiously every Saturday morning with great fondness, about as much as Pokemon, Spongebob, or Beast Wars, and that was Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yu-Gi-Oh! was more than just an anime to me, it was also a trading card game, and a very fun one, might I add. A game in which one could summon monsters, cast spells, or spring traps against your opponent. Some monsters had special abilities, while others could fuse to create greater monsters. It was a lot of fun.

However, Yu-Gi-Oh! initially began as a tribute to tabletop games in general. The protagonist, Yugi Moto, is a shy high-schooler with multicolored spiky hair (it's an anime, remember?). He solves an Egyptian artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle. Inside of this puzzle is trapped the soul of a 2000 year old pharaoh known as "The King of Games." Whenever Yugi finds himself in life-threatening trouble, the spirit of the pharaoh possesses him, and challenges his opponent to a deadly game. A variety of different ones were played, like one inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. The card game, was one among many, but it stuck, being the most popular. So the anime focused on this aspect for the story.

That said, the anime is about as corny as most Saturday morning television, and the 4Kids chop-up didn't help. Yu-Gi-Oh! was very formulaic, featuring Yugi dueling an opponent in a game of cards and almost always winning (unless blackmailed by threats of suicide). Yet, we didn't watch to Yu-Gi-Oh! to see who would win, we watched the show to see the different strategies employed by the cards. Be it the destructive blowback from Mirror Force, or the dreaded one turn kill of Exodia. The simplicity of the game when it first began is now enviable, a time when summoning a high powered Dark Magician or Blue Eyes White Dragon could win you the game. The game has since mutated into a convoluted speed contest, with nonsense terminology, conflicting rules, embarrassingly high prices, and a rapidly growing roster of cards that may very well lead to an implosion. If there was one good thing to come out of Yu-Gi-Oh!, it's Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series by Martin Billany (aka LittleKuriboh). An abridged series is when someone makes an edited version of a show and overdubs it with humorous and often meta voiceovers. Some of the best moments are when Billany constantly notes the borderline hyperbole of seriousness with which people take a children's card game (who's rules are often broken for plot convenience). This isn't even touching the many lines that are popular amongst the otaku fandom, like "Screw the rules, I have money!"

On a side note, don't you find it a bit bizarre that we define our fading childhood memories by the films, television, and music that we consumed then? Nostalgia has never been so openly fetishized in America as it has now. The culprit behind this is, of course, the Internet. Music critic Simon Reynolds, who wrote Retromania: Pop Culture's Addiction To Its Own Past, has said,

"It was gradual, but with the arrival of the Internet, and broadband access, and the rise of this kind of strange collective archiving thing, [looking backward] became irresistible. Now people put stuff on YouTube because it feels like they're doing something worthwhile and this enormous archive has developed. You're young, but I try to remember what it was like when it was actually really hard to get hold of information. If you wanted to look at old magazines, you had to go to the library and look at microfilms. Now all the records in the known universe are basically accessible at the click of a mouse. Don't you think that's weird? I think it's weird — but I have something to compare it to. I remember living in a culture of cultural scarcity," (Salon).

I agree with Reynolds here. Nostalgia is popular because it's so accessible. I probably wouldn't have been able to find Escaflowne were it not for the Internet. I also think that this nostalgia hunt comes from the effects that 9/11 had, and still does have on the American psyche. The War on Terror, and all that came after it, in the context of the Information Age, no less, made the world a complex and ambiguous place. The truth, however, is that it was always like this, we just want to believe that there was a magical, Reaganesque America where the mornings never ended. It's worse yet when one was a child, and could've hardly comprehended events grander than the events on your television screen. Now, a sort of cult has developed that puts the cartoons of the past on a pedestal, with entitled fans claiming that newer versions can never be as good as the older ones. The worst of it comes when Hollywood taps into this nostalgia for money, and is answered with cries that Hollywood "ruined my childhood." Yet this nostalgia that people hopelessly flee to is only fueling the film industries to make more adaptations. A Catch-22. Reynolds articulated some of these issues,

"This endless regurgitation of the familiar is dulling and vaguely depressing. It's nice to think there's a future for music, for example, and that people will do things that later generations can work with and take somewhere. I think if the preponderance of the music scene is based around recycling and revivalism, then it's like bad farming. Basic common sense in farming is that you sow as well as reap. If you're just reaping from the past, you're not really giving anything back. Of course, music and culture don't necessarily work in the way farming does, and ideas don't get exhausted in the same way natural resources do, but I think it's important for the ongoing project of music to at least try to come up with things that have never been done before. Young musicians, in particular, seem to be way more fascinated by the past than the future. That's my main worry: Where is it going? Is this a practice that is infinitely sustainable? At this point, we're well into the '90s revival, and then it will be time for the naughties revival. It just seems a bit boring that that's just how it's going to proceed," (Salon).

Our culture is in a feedback loop, stuck in the 80's and 90's, where twenty-somethings complain about how old they've gotten and indulge in listicles on the Internet that seem to confirm this bias. It's time that we stopped defining ourselves and our memories solely on the basis of the crappy shows that we were too dumb to turn off. Yes, some of them were fun, but let's not kid ourselves here, these programs weren't masterpieces. I had a good childhood, not because I had the privilege of eating soggy marshmallow cereals too close to a television screen, but because I had loving friends, teachers, and family. In any case, childhood is overrated. Some of us had terrible ones. I, for one, am glad to be older. Isn't it grand to be able to tell the difference between pearls and swine? It's easier to look back than it is to look forward. So unless you want Hollywood to reboot Spiderman every three years, I suggest we admit that the 80's and 90's were just as mundane as any other decade, and start looking ahead.

I wrote this eulogy happily.


Reynolds, Simon. Interviewed by Thomas Rogers. "Will nostalgia destroy pop culture." Salon, August 5, 2011. Web. http://www.salon.com/2011/08/05/retromania_simon_reynolds_interview/

Sullivan, Gail. "Saturday morning cartoons are no more." The Washington Post, September 30, 2014. Web. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/30/saturday-morning-cartoons-are-no-more/

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Improving Island Shaping For Map Generation

One of my goals for 2019 is to improve my existing pages. This week I improved the island map section of my noise-based map generation page.

Island map generation: you figure it out

I had offered lots of options: additive vs multiplicative, Euclidean vs Manhattan distance, and three mysterious parameters named a, b, c. It was simple for me to offer lots of options. The problem with lots of options is that there's a large "possibility space" to explore. You may or may not find something you like.

Based on feedback from readers, I decided to rewrite this section. I stepped back and thought about why we're adding and multiplying. What is the goal? How does it work?

  1. Push the edges of the map down into water. I need to decrease elevations near the edges.
  2. Push the middle of the map up onto land. I need to increase elevations near the middle.

The main idea is to start with noise-based elevation and reshape it into what we want. The noise-based elevation fits into a box , and we reshape the box into something like . The contents of the box, whatever terrain had been generated, will get pushed up and down when the box is changed.

I rewrote the entire section of the page to explain this idea, and I ended up removing the interactive diagram.

Island map generation: explain the main ideas

Related: Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work says that experts can use the interactive exploration to navigate the possibility space because they have already built up the intuition to know where to go. Novices on the other hand learn better with guidance.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 | Review, Trailer, Gameplay, & Everything You Need To Know.

Rockstar's most awaited game Read Dead Redemption 2 is almost here, Yeah! Red Dead Redemption 2 will finally be released next month on October 26. Yes, it's been eight years since the original, but everything we've seen so far suggests it will be worth the wait. Rockstar has given us some enticing glimpses of a lush and lively Wild West, packed with colorful characters like the Van der Linde Gang and new protagonist Arthur Morgan.

Quick Facts:

Initial Release Date : 26 october 2018
Developer : Rockstar
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One

A few fugitives are solitary wolves, yet more often than not the kind that lives long. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you'll travel with a great grouping of mavericks and cheats (A run of the mill Rockstar topic). Some of them you've met previously, similar to Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson, and Javier Escuella - all objectives of John Marston's manhunt in the first Red Dead Redemption. In any case, numerous more are new faces that assistance round out the pack as not only a band of hoodlums but rather a little society unto itself.

The First Reveal :

The primary trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 which was released on October 20, 2016, was somewhat of a mindset piece that exhibited numerous districts in the diversion, while likewise depicting the solemn tone of the fundamental account. In this trailer, we saw a few towns and areas, a considerable lot of which are abounding with life and movement -, for example, farmers stirring up some cows, huntsmen bringing back their pull, and a gathering of subjects hanging out in the general store. Which depicted its mind-boggling illustrations.

Who Are We Playing As?

In spite of the fact that the focal character of Red Dead Redemption, John Marston, assumes some job in the story- - the fundamental hero of the prequel is Arthur Morgan. As Dutch's correct hand man and master for the pack, he'll handle a significant part of the day by day obligations of holding the posse within proper limits - which incorporates a youthful and less-experienced John Marston. With regards to keeping the posse and its locale above water, Morgan is very helpful with grabbing different occupations to guarantee everybody is all around nourished and in great spirits. Be that as it may, as the story advances, he'll start to scrutinize his own determination for Dutch's lifestyle, and whether despite everything he has a place in the group.

What's New In Red Dead Redemption 2?

While the spin-off is to a great extent in an indistinguishable vein from its forerunner, concentrating on the investigation, chasing, shoot-outs, heists, and opposite side-exercises where you'll communicate with various exciting characters- - Red Dead Redemption 2 includes an unquestionably sweeping world to plunge into. 

The respect framework from the first diversion makes an arrival, yet now with undeniable point by point following. Alongside the normal subject, individuals from your locale will respond to how well or how ineffectively you treat them (Which is kinda inventive as we don't get the opportunity to see that a considerable measure). As the lead master, Morgan should deal with a huge amount of duties, for example, asset gathering, obtaining assets, and ensuring everybody in the network is cheerful.

Yeah, It Has Online Multiplayer Mode?

As of now, Rockstar hasn't shared any information on how the online play will work. The first Red Dead Redemption included online free-for-all and group deathmatch style interactivity in the open world, alongside a few community themed missions. While it's protected to accept that these sorts of missions will restore, another long-waiting gossip is the presence of a fight royale mode. Rockstar has as of late affirmed that an open beta for the online mode is planned for multi month after the amusement's dispatch. We will see you when we get the news, So be in contact.

Camping and hunting will be a major part of Red Dead Redemption 2 life.

Being an outlaw means adopting a nomadic lifestyle, That when the camps comes to rescue as being a key part of surviving and thriving on the prairie. Camps will act as a hub where you can get to know gang members, learn secrets and pick extra missions. It feels like relationships with your allies will be key to your experience of the world, and you can improves things by contributing to the camp by hunting, contributing provisions or just sharing your wealth. How much you contribute is optional, there's a lot of world to explore out there on your own, and a lot of hunting and fishing to keep you away, but you can bet there'll be benefits to communal living.

Gameplay :

Rockstar Released the gameplay for Red Dead Redemption last month. If you wanna watch  here's the Gameplay

Pre-Order :

Pre-orders are now live for Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One and PS4. 

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

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Hitman 4 Blood Money System Requirements

Following are the minimum system requirements of Hitman 4 Blood Money.
  1. Operating  system: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1
  2. Processor: Core 2 Duo
  3. Setup Size: 270 MB
  4. Ram: 1GB
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domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

Assassin's Creed Odyssey | Review, Trailer, Gameplay | Pro-GamersArena

Quick Facts :

  • Initial release date: 5 October 2018
  • Series: Assassin's Creed
  • Developer: Ubisoft Quebec
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows
  • Genres: Action role-playing game, Stealth game.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is just about to release. The game trailer has a great deal of constructive responses from individuals. What's more, such a couple of days from the arrival of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Ubisoft has discharged the official dispatch trailer for the activity RPG. For past trailers, Ubisoft either made two varieties to feature the amusement's two heroes - like the Gamescom realistic trailer or included the two characters in a single video. In any case, this time it's unique. 

For the release trailer, Ubisoft generally centered around Alexios and his development from a youthful youngster into an unbelievable Spartan warrior. The trailer flashes through the conceivable arrangements that you'll have the capacity to use to determine the contentions you'll look in Odyssey, for example, utilizing a bolt storm against moving toward watchmen or indicating sympathy towards somebody who's sincerely battling.

Like Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey dives into the most punctual clashes between the people that would in the end move both the Templar Order and Assassin Brotherhood. Be that as it may, without precedent for the establishment, you have the decision between two characters to play as, Alexios and Kassandra. Regardless of who you pick, you'll be given a similar generally story, exchange decisions, sentimental choices, and side journeys. 

What About The Gameplay?

Following a short cutscene you will be promptly requested to pick between two characters: Kassandra or Alexios, relatives of the scandalous Leonidas. Once your decision is made, you'll be dropped into 431 BCE. 

Here's the place your first taste of battle comes in. The center segments are to a great extent unaltered from Origins as you bolt onto foes and perform assaults utilizing the shoulder catches. Battle is available and genuinely lenient, albeit larger amount adversaries won't be reluctant to squander you in two or three hits (Not for my situation, 😜😜). 

The majority of encounters can be outperformed effortlessly. That is, insofar as you aren't imprudent. One of the principal moves you're educated is the repel. Accomplished by squeezing RB+LB, when utilized at the opportune time it leaves foes powerless against assault. I discovered this basic when managing which enemies whose watch wasn't effectively broken, which means I'd need to consider unheard of options to get a few slices in (where i mostly fail, 😝).

Avoiding is additionally vital, and doing as such seconds previously an assault results in a couple of valuable seconds of moderate movement, giving the ideal chance to strike. Everything feels astounding, regardless of whether early gear leaves a great deal to be wanted, doesn't make a difference around then. 

Dialogues are now a pervasive piece of Assassin's Creed, advising how you'll approach missions and connections all through Ancient Greece. This additionally stretches out to connections, with both Kassandra and Alexios ready to handbag sentimental undertakings of any gender. I worship this portrayal in such a blockbuster title, giving players a chance to be spoken to in a medium that is yet to really grasp inclusivity. 

It isn't nosy either, surfacing as discretionary discourse alternatives all through my few hours with Odyssey up until now. It's as yet vague to what expand picked exchange will affect the general plot or on the off chance that it'll just have a say in side missions, however even without this present it's as yet a long ways from the conventional structure past games received. Voice acting is tragically a blended pack outside of the primary cast, in spite of the fact that this could enhance sometime later. 

Ancient Greece is absurdly colossal. Comprised of many islands of changing sizes, you'll investigate the universe of Assassin's Creed by foot, steed and vessel. The last will be utilized to swap between island.

Trailer Impression :

I'll let you to decide this. Here's the trailer below, you can watch it and tell me in the comment box, what you think of it?

About Pre-Order :

You can pre-order Assassin's Creed Odyssey at best price from here. Just click on the Buy button.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020


Apologies for not posting very regularly over the holidays due to a lot of IRL issues. I should get back into the swing of things hopefully soon. Thanks for understanding!

The How of Happiness Review

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag BlackBox

Minimum System Requirements 

Processor: Intel Core2Quad Q8400 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz RAM: 2 GBVideo Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or AMD Radeon HD 4870 (512MB VRAM with shader Model 4.0 or higher)DirectX 11: DirectX June 2010 Redistributable  

Recommended System Requirements

Processor: Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.0 GHz or better RAM: 4GB or more Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 (1024MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0) or better 

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