domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

Top Process Related Commands In Linux Distributions

Commands in Linux are just the keys to explore and close the Linux. As you can do things manually by simple clicking over the programs just like windows to open an applications. But if you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well. In this blog you will exactly get the content about Linux processes commands which are are given below.


The "ps" command is used in Linux to display your currently active processes over the Linux based system. It will give you all the detail of the processes which are active on the system.

ps aux|grep

The "ps aux|grep" command is used in Linux distributions to find all the process id of particular process like if you wanna know about all the process ids related to telnet process then you just have to type a simple command like "ps aux|grep 'telnet'". This command will give you the details about telnet processes.


The "pmap" command in Linux operating system will display the map of processes running over the memory in Linux based system.


The "top" command is used in Linux operating system to display all the running processes over the system's background. It will display all the processes with process id (pid) by which you can easily kill/end the process.

Kill pid

Basically the kill command is used to kill or end the process or processes by simply giving the process id to the kill command and it will end the process or processes. Just type kill and gave the particular process id or different process ids by putting the space in between all of them. kill 456 567 5673 etc.

killall proc

The "killall proc" is the command used in Linux operating system to kill all the processes named proc in the system. Killall command just require a parameter as name which is common in some of the processes in the system.


The "bg" is the command used in Linux distributions to resume suspended jobs without bringing them to foreground.


The "fg" command is used in Linux operating system to brings the most recent job to foreground. The fg command also requires parameters to do some actions like "fg n" n is as a parameter to fg command that brings job n to the foreground.More information

How To Pass Your Online Accounts After Death – 3 Methods

The topic of DEATH is not one that most people care to talk about, but the truth is that we are all going to die at some point and everything that we did online is going to end up in limbo if we don't make sure that someone we trust is going to be able to gain access to this information. This is going to be extremely important in order to close it down, or have your loved one do whatever you want them to do with your information. There are many things to take into consideration for this kind of situation. If you are like the average modern person, you probably have at least one email account, a couple of social media accounts in places like Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps you also have a website that you run or a blog. These are all very common things that people will usually do at some point and if you have anything that you consider valuable, you should have a way to leave it in the hands of someone you trust when you pass away.

Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death
Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death

Maybe you have an online platform that has a lot of content that you find useful and important. Perhaps you have even been able to turn some of that content into monetizable material and you don't want this to end when you pass away. This is more than enough of a reason to make sure that your information can be given to someone when you are no longer around.
There have been many cases when all the information has ended up being impossible to recover when a person has died, at least not without the need for the family members to do all kinds of things in order to prove a person is deceased. So here are some ways, you can passyour online accounts/data after death:

1) Making a Safe 'WILL' (or Locker) containing master password.

  1. Make an inventory of all your online accounts and list them on a piece of paper one by one and give it to your loved one. For eg:– Your primary email address
    – Your Facebook ID/email
    – The Bank account or Internet banking ID
    – etc. To clarify, it will be only a list of the accounts you want your loved one to be able to access after you're dead. Just the list of accounts, nothing else (no passwords).
  2. Set up a brand new e-mail address (Possibly Gmail account). Lets say
  3. Now from your usual email account, Send an e-mail to, with the following content:– dd349r4yt9dfj
    – sd456pu3t9p4
    – s2398sds4938523540
    – djfsf4p These are, of course, the passwords and account numbers that you want your loved one to have once you're dead.
  4. Tell your loved one that you did these things, and while you're at it, send him/her an e-mail from, so he/she will have the address handy in some special folder in his/her inbox.
  5. Put the password for in your will or write it down on paper and keep it safe in your bank locker. Don't include the e-mail address as well, just put something like "The password is: loveyourhoney432d".
And its done! Your loved one will only have the password once you're dead, and the info is also secure, since it's split in two places that cannot be easily connected, so if the e-mail address happens to be hacked, the perpetrator won't be able to use it to steal anything that you're going to leave for your loved one.

2) Preparing a Future email (SWITCH) containing login information

This method is very similar to the first one except in this case we will not be using a WILL or Locker. Instead we will be using a Service called "Dead Mans Switch" that creates a switch (Future email) and sends it to your recipients after a particular time interval. Here is how it works.
  1. Create a list of accounts as discussed in the first method and give it to your loved one.
  2. Register on "Dead mans switch" and create a switch containing all the corresponding passwords and enter the recipients email (Your loved one).
  3. Your switch will email you every so often, asking you to show that you are fine by clicking a link. If something happens to you, your switch would then send the email you wrote to the recipient you specified. Sort of an "electronic will", one could say.

3) Using password managers that have emergency access feature

Password managers like LastPass and Dashlane have a feature called as "emergency access".  It functions as a dead man's switch. You just have to add your loved one to your password manager, with emergency access rights. he/She does not see any of your information, nor can he/she log into your accounts normally.
But if the worst happens, your loved one can invoke the emergency access option. Next your password manager sends an email to you and starts a timer. If, after a certain amount of time interval, you have not refused the request, then your loved one gets full access to your password manager.
You can always decide what they can potentially gain access to, and you set the time delay.

Why should i bother about passing my digital legacy?

Of all the major online platforms, only Google and Facebook have provisions for Inactiveaccounts (in case of death). Google lets you plan for the inevitable ahead of time. Using the "Inactive Account Manager", you can designate a beneficiary who will inherit access to any or all of your Google accounts after a specified period of inactivity (the default is 3 months).
Facebook on the other hand will either delete your inactive account or turn it into a memorial page when their family can provide any proof of their death, but there is also a large number of platforms that don't have any specific way for people to be able to verify the death of a loved one in order to gain access to the accounts. In either case, you wouldn't want your family to have to suffer through any hassles and complications after you have passed away.
You should also consider the importance of being able to allow your loved ones to collect all the data you left behind. This means photos and experiences that can be used to show other generations the way that you lived and the kind of things you enjoyed doing.
Those memories are now easier to keep and the best photos can be downloaded for the purpose of printing them for photo albums or frames. Allowing them to have the chance to do this in a practical way is going to be a great gesture and securing any profitable information is going to be essential if you want a business or idea to keep moving forward with the help of those you trust.
This is the reason why you need to be able to pass your online account information after death, but no one wants to give access to this kind of information to their loved ones because it's of a private nature and we would feel uneasy knowing that others can access our private conversations or message.
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How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

More info

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020

Las Criptodivisas Y Los Delitos De Financiación Del Terrorismo Y El Blanqueo De Capitales

La semana pasada funcionarios de diferentes agencias gubernamentales estadounidenses (HSI, FBI y el RSI) incautaron los fondos de varios cientos de direcciones de criptomonedas como parte de una amplia campaña de captación de fondos destinada a la financiación del terrorismo. Los documentos judiciales establecieron redes de financiación operadas por grupos vinculados a al-Qaeda e ISIS, así como a las Brigadas al-Qassam.

Figura 1: Las criptodivisas y los delitos de financiación del terrorismo y el blanqueo de capitales

Dichas agencias han identificado casi trescientas direcciones de bitcoin como parte de una gran investigación contra tres redes de financiación del terrorismo. Representando la incautación de criptomonedas más grande jamás realizada por el gobierno en el contexto del terrorismo. Estas redes comprendían varias fuentes de financiación para la recaudación de fondos, que incluían el uso de campañas de captación de donaciones centradas en bitcoins y las ventas ilícitas de equipos de protección personal durante la pandemia de la COVID-19.

En el contexto de al-Qaeda, los fiscales alegaron en documentos judiciales que los grupos sirios Al-Nusrah Front y Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham usaron Telegram y las redes sociales como medio para la recaudación de fondos en bitcoin a partir de 2019.

Figura 2: Hamas acepta BitCoin desde 2019

En una acción judicial separada, los fiscales persiguieron a la red operada por al-Qassam, que involucró el uso de dos sitios web, así como cinco cuentas en una "institución financiera" anónima. Además, se identificaron "más de 180 cuentas de moneda virtual".Describiéndose un sistema de tres etapas que involucraba el uso de cuentas en doce casas de cambio, así como direcciones personales y páginas web. Por otro lado, la campaña relacionada con ISIS se centró en la venta fraudulenta de PPE, específicamente máscaras N95 supuestamente aprobadas por la FDA.

Estos casos muestran que los intermediarios financieros y la infraestructura que los grupos terroristas han utilizado tradicionalmente para mover dinero, como las empresas de envío de dinero sin licencia y las redes hawala, han comenzado a migrar hacia las criptomonedas, lo que ha hecho que todos los investigadores y analistas de ciberseguridad hayan tenido que aprender cómo funcionan estas tecnologías en detalle.

Algunos ya lo veníamos advirtiendo desde hace años, recuerdo la ponencia que tuve que el honor de impartir en el 1er Congreso internacional sobre ciudad, seguridad y terrorismo global que organiza el International SecurityObservatory, donde ya definía a las criptos como el Hawala 2.0 (además, así fue el título de la ponencia) y también recuerdo el libro que tuve el honor de coescribir en el año 16, con mi buen amigo el Doctor en Economía Basilio Ramirez, que ya titulábamos BITCOIN ¿AMENAZA U OPORTUNIDAD? (Toda una declaración de intenciones, ¿verdad?) 

Figura 4: BitCoin ¿Amenaza u oportunidad?

Tanto era así que la directiva 2018/843 del parlamento europeo y del consejo de 30 de mayo de 2018, trataba por fin, las criptomonedas como amenaza y como herramienta utilizada en algunos procesos de lavado de dinero Fiat. Dicha directiva está en un proceso muy avanzado de transposición a nuestra ley y su entrada en vigor en España será, probablemente, antes de final de este año.

Pero... ¿cómo se blanquea con las criptos? Déjenme les explique antes que es el blanqueo de capitales. En España parece consolidada terminológicamente una serie de conceptos respecto del blanqueo de capitales:
  • Se trata de un proceso.
  • Este proceso pretende convertir el dinero sucio, es decir, el procedente de negocios que constituyen un delito, o que no se pueden justificar ante las autoridades competentes, en dinero que se pueda justificar fiscalmente.
  • Se marca la tendencia de unificar el concepto del dinero no declarado a la Hacienda Pública con el obtenido ilegalmente. Es decir, que no declarar a la Hacienda Pública es un delito.
  • El proceso en sí mismo es un delito.
  • En el blanqueo de capitales ha de tenerse en cuenta tanto el dinero como los bienes obtenidos ilegalmente.
Podríamos decir en una primera aproximación, sin pretensiones jurídicas, que el blanqueo de capitales es el proceso a través del cual se trata de dar apariencia de legalidad o legitimidad a unos productos (dinero, divisas, fondos, activos, capitales, bienes, etcétera). Éstos habrían sido generados como consecuencia de una actividad ilegal o injustificada. Siendo la clave del proceso de blanqueo el eliminar el rastro entre dichos productos y la actividad ilegal. Para ello se realizarían múltiples actos o negocios jurídicos cuyo objetivo es complicar o borrar cualquier relación respecto de su origen verdadero. El proceso de blanqueo se compone de varias fases:

1.- Colocación: Momento en el que los fondos son introducidos en el sistema económico o financiero.

2.- Transformación: Conjunto de operaciones dirigidas a encubrir, ocultar o hacer desaparecer el nexo entre el activo y su fuente.

3.- Integración: Retorno del activo al patrimonio de quien lo generó con toda la apariencia de legalidad.

Los métodos de blanqueo son complejos y cambiantes. Factores como la deliberada complejidad de los procesos, la modificación frecuente de la naturaleza de los activos, o el cambio en su localización geográfica, suelen verse con frecuencia asociados a esquemas de blanqueo. La lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales se basa en dos mecanismos mutuamente complementarios:

1.- El sistema represivo o penal: Que configura al blanqueo de capitales como un delito tipificado en el Código Penal. Correspondiendo a los juzgados y tribunales su represión, con el auxilio de los cuerpos policiales.

2.- El sistema preventivo o administrativo: Éste intenta dificultar o impedir el acceso al sistema financiero. También al de otros sectores de actividad, de bienes o capitales de origen delictivo, mediante la imposición de una serie de obligaciones a determinadas personas o entidades que operan en dichos sectores. De manera que el incumplimiento de estas obligaciones constituye una infracción administrativa, castigada con sanciones de multa de elevado importe.

Vamos ahora con el ejemplo de blanqueo. Tan sencillo como ir a una gran superficie de alimentación francesa, de imagen y sonido o de video juegos y solicitar tarjetas de prepago canjeables por su equivalente en criptomoneda y, por otro lado, necesitaremos tener creada una wallet o cartera de Bitcoins (1era fase, colocación), que será la que utilicemos para llevar a cabo la conversión a criptomoneda.

Acto seguido procederemos a través de mezcladoras de bitcoin su ofuscación (eliminar toda la trazabilidad posible) (2nda fase, Transformación) para que posteriormente través de un Exchange o particular cambiar a dinero Fiat, cuyo destinatario final sea una sociedad o testaferro en otra jurisdicción mas laxa con este tipo de operaciones (3era fase, Integración)

El uso de las criptodivisas, como herramienta vehicular en los procesos de ciber blanqueo de dinero, va en aumento. De hecho, es uno de los esquemas "de moda" entre los terroristas y la delincuencia organizada. No solo por su opacidad si no por el desconocimiento de jueces y fiscales a la hora de su instrucción y posterior juicio. En ocasiones la policía judicial realiza unas diligencias extraordinarias que no prosperan por la falta de información del juez de turno. 

Figura 6: La prevención en el blanqueo de capitales

La formación e información al respecto de estos esquemas emergentes es vital, no solo para su lucha, si no para su correcta comprensión y entendimiento. Las criptomonedas en su concepción primigenia son una alternativa a tener muy en cuenta como un medio de pago de elección más. Su mal uso, tan solo es responsabilidad de quien utiliza este sistema de pago como herramienta para delinquir.

Contactar con Juan Carlos Galindo

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